Monday, February 24, 2014

12) Gathering Information

When gathering information about your client, you should ask:
  • Who is the audience? 
  • What is the message? 
  • How many pages is the piece? 
  • What are the dimensions? 
  • Is there a specific budget? 
  • Is there a deadline for completion? 
  • Can the client provide examples of design they like? 
  • Is there an existing corporate brand that needs to be matched?

11) Steps and Phases in Creative Process

8 Steps or Phases that are involved in the Creative Process:
1) start with several rounds of sketches
2) gather information and investigate the client
3) create an outline of the project and the content needed for the client
4) think of good creative designs for the client
5) narrow it down to a couple good sketches and designs
6) take those sketches and make multiple different copies of them
7) revise your work, and pick the best pieces to show to your client
8) follow these steps and only go on to the next step after completing the previous one

10) Types of Graphic Design

10 different types of Graphic Design are:
1) Digital Design - creation of highly manipulated images on a computer.
2) Multimedia Design - design for websites and online newspapers, blogs and forums.
3) Type Design - the design of type and letters and alphabets and the formal construction of the typeface.
4) Film Title Design - the design used to create title for movies and films , using designs that represent the movie or film.
5) Exhibit Design - the design used to frame objects, statistics, photographs, labels,and  headings.
6) Signage Design - how to design signs that will make them user friendly and self explanatory for the user.
7) Package Design - the design of a package that will display the item well, yet still protect it
8) Environmental Design - the use of two and three dimensional graphic designs to make a point.
9) Educational Design - the design used to create textbooks, and other material used in school, with the purpose of peaking a child's interest in it.
10) Magazine Design - how a magazine is organized and how the lay out and colors describe the magazine and its articles.
Example of Magazine Design:

Words Thumbnail 4

Words Thumbnail 3

Words Thumbnail 2

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

9) Things / Qualities / Traits of Designers

Things / Qualities / Traits that make Designers different from the average person:
1) They show interest in the visual world.
2) They are curious about communication and all its forms.
3) They are creative.
4) They are skilled "lookers" that use both the visual and conceptual world.
5) They make things as a second nature and concentrate on the small details.







Personal Descriptive Words:

8) Graphic Design

Different Types of Graphic Design:
1) Typography- looks at the text for information and expression.
2) Film and Video Graphics- organizes objects and ideas in respect to time.
3) Computer Graphics- looks at the computer generated or altered images.
4) Letterform- looks at the logotypes in everyday objects and in typefaces.
5) Advertising Design- is calculated to attract attention.

7) Visualizing Techniques

Visualizing Techniques graphic designers use:
1) Photography- to capture a "truthful" image, to convey realism and emotion.
2) Models- to make a three dimensional piece to help plan for future designs.
3) Drawings- for the artist to look at and put down the meaningful parts on paper.

6) Visually Organized Space

A way that graphic designers can organize their work space is through a grid, to help place items and create harmony in the piece without overcrowding any one area.

5) Need to Knows

What graphic designers need to know:
1) How to use Perception and Visual Organization to create symmetry and rhythm. 
2) How to use Visual Techniques to images, sketches, models and final works. 
3) How to use Tools and Technology to create three dimensions for paper and film. 
4) How to use Production Techniques to write objectives and to present ideas verbally and graphically. 
5) How to use Methods, Planning, and Management to show good flow and proper arrangement while using the correct typography for the mood. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

4) Symbols, Logos and Logotypes

Symbols, logos and logotypes are special, highly condensed pieces of information that are made up of either words, pictures, or both. They are used to identify a certain company quickly and memorably. They wrap up what the company means and stands for all in one little image. It is a way to promote your business and have everyone remember what your business does or creates.
There are many logos here, varying from more type styled logos to more picture styled logos. Some of the type styled ones are Coca-Cola the soda company, and Mobil the gas company. While some of the picture styled logos are Nike, the clothing and sports apparel company, and Time Warner Cable the television, phone, and internet provider. 

3) Image and Type Design

Image and type design is a form of graphic design where the artist will combine both pictures and types evenly to display an intended message. One is often used to help bring out the meaning of the other and make it clearer to understand.
This is an example of image and type design where the word is actually made up of pictures, all helping to portray the meaning and setting of this word. The layout of the individual letters and the illustrations that go along accordingly, really give you a feel of what this word and entire image truly mean and stand for. 

2) Type Based Design

Typed-based design is a format of creating art where the image is created solely using words, with very little to no pictures at all. Typography is one example of this, where a word is taken and it is restructured and redesigned to show the meaning of that word.
This is an example of Image based design where the words are being spelled out and shaped into a picture of a handgun. The words are describing the focal point of this piece by the way they are shaped, with the meaning of the picture being in the words that make up the piece. 

1) Image Based Design

Image-based design is an art style where photo's or paintings are the main focus, there are few, if any words. The pictures used to create this piece usually convey strong emotions or moods. These images may be photographic, painted, drawn, or graphically rendered in many different ways. Image-based design is employed when the designer determines that, in a particular case, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words.
This is an image based design of a tree, representing the tree of modern day life. It depicts all the thing that people hold near and dear in their lives, in modern society. Especially focusing on the technology and business side of things. All of which is accessible through the internet. 

Graphic Design Test Piece